Our Music Ministry is dedicated to exalting Jesus under the Holy Spirit’s leadership and anointing.
This ministry consists of a worship team, instrumentalists, singers, and our sound team.
Our Children’s Ministry is designed to meet the needs of children, 0 to age 12.
Sunday mornings hold Sunday School at 10am and children's church 11am, called Little Kingdom for 2–5-year-olds,
Kingdom Kids for K-6th grade. We also have a Wednesday Night Program for all ages that teach life skills,
Biblical truths through learning experiences, projects and Bible teaching.
Other activities include our annual parties, VBS, Back 2 School Bash, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Play, and still so much more.
Our Victory Youth Ministry is vital to the church and includes specialized services and exciting activities
emphasizing worship, fellowship, and discipleship in Sunday classes and Wednesday night class.
Our youth have events twice a month normally after the church service.
Our Victory Young Adults (18-40) meet together once a month to enjoy an activity together,
whether that be dinner or games. Make sure to check out their Sunday School class that starts at 10am!
Our young adult's emphasis is on making one another feel like they are a part of a family!
Our Ladies Ministry (Women of Victory) involves activities designed to effectively minister
to the ladies which includes monthly activities, retreats, etc.
The ladies meet on the 1st & 3rd Sunday evening at 6:00pm for Bible study.
Our Men’s Ministry (Men of Victory) offers exciting bi-monthly group meetings, fellowships, activities, outreaches, etc.
The men meet on the 1st & 3rd Sunday evening at 6:00pm for Bible study.